Why Use a REALTOR® When Selling a Home?

A real estate agent (房屋中介) can help you understand everything you need to know about the home selling process.
Seller 卖家
A real estate agent (房屋中介) can help you understand everything you need to know about the home selling process.
房地产术语:Appraiser, Assessed value,Amortization, FHA mortgage acceleration clause A clause in your mortgage which allows the lender to demand payment of the outstanding loan balance for various reasons. The most common reasons for accelerating a loan are if the borrower defaults on the loan or transfers title to another individual without informing the lender. adjustable-rate mortgage…
本文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。因为涉及专业解释,很抱歉,我无法提供翻译版本。 As a home buyer, there are many different ways you can possibly save tons of money. One of the easiest way to accomplish this is to leverage grants and rebates for home buyers and owners. This article gives you detailed information on the top 25 grants and rebates for home buyers and owners. #1…
加拿大退休以后的福利如何, 这一直是一个经常提起的话题。我收集了一些互联网上提供的信息, 翻译过来给大家参看 (不具备任何法律意义)。在文章的最后面提供原文链接点:
节假日安全温馨提示: a)出门的话:不要把所有的房间里的灯全部关掉。黑乎乎的房子很容易招小偷。可以考虑打开一些的灯:比如圣诞节的彩灯。甚至可以考虑打开电视。 b)出门在外:行走时穿浅色和反光带/外套,特别是在小区里走路或者停车场。 c)开车:注意行人,因为他们可能很难看到你, 特别是在转弯处或者停车场。 d)如果在十字路口,做出与司机/行人的目光接触。安全第一。
根据苏富比国际地产公司(Sotheby’s International Realty Canada)加拿大首席执行官麦克雷迪(Ross McCredie),去年加拿大温哥华都会区的高端房地产市场反弹,重拾信心。 苏富比在其豪宅市场的半年报告中说,房屋买家信心增强,温哥华都会区(Metro Vancouver)两百万至四百万元之间的豪宅市场,在2013年的销售量较2012年上升35%,四百万以上的豪宅成交量较2012年上升了48%。
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.