c)开车:注意行人,因为他们可能很难看到你, 特别是在转弯处或者停车场。
e)家用 – 灯继续亮着或者使用传感器 – 确保你的灯在一定的高度,不容易给小偷取下来。

Safety tips for holiday time:
a) Keep your house lit if you are going away and put the radio on.
b) Pedestrians – wear lighter colors and reflective tape/jacket when walking
c) While driving, watch for pedestrians as they can be hard to see
d) When at an intersection, make eye contact with driver/pedestrian
e) Household – keep lights on outside or use a motion sensor – make sure the lights are up high so they can’t be unscrewed – handouts about lighting available from RCMP
f) When you go shopping, don’t leave parcels in your vehicle or don’t put items in your car and go back into the stores – people are watching you. If you have to put parcels in your car, put them in the trunk when no one is watching or move your car to another spot. Don’t leave valuables in vehicles (even suction cup on window)
g) Bring your car insurance papers in at night time so others can’t get your personal info. You can photocopy your insurance papers with the pertinent info blacked out and keep original copy in the trunk.