Surrey’s population is projected to increase by over 300,000 people in the next 3 decades.
Based on current projections, Surrey will have a population approaching 1 in 4 residents of Metro Vancouver around the year 2046.
Surrey has often been called a “city of cities,” a patchwork of communities stretching from the strip malls of rootin’ tootin’ Newton to the rodeo clowns of Cloverdale and the seaside cottages at Crescent Beach. Six town centres — Whalley, Newton, Guildford, Fleetwood, Cloverdale and South Surrey — sprawl across a land mass big enough to hold Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby combined.
Each is separated by streams, rivers and one third of Metro Vancouver’s agricultural land, and each bears its own social, cultural and economic challenges.
But as Surrey transforms into a city set to rival Vancouver in population by 2040 (a projected 766,000 people each), city officials are wrestling with how to shape and stitch those centres together and provide residents with what they need to live, work and play in each.
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