兰里楼盘夜疯狂 准客户彻夜扎营排队
现在的兰里楼市市场持续升温,已有多名客户过夜扎营,排队等待即将开盘的一个柏文楼盘和城市屋楼盘。 现在距离本周末才开盘销售的兰里208街的柏文楼盘还有几天时间,但在售楼处已有50多名潜在客户扎营排队。
Buyer 买家
现在的兰里楼市市场持续升温,已有多名客户过夜扎营,排队等待即将开盘的一个柏文楼盘和城市屋楼盘。 现在距离本周末才开盘销售的兰里208街的柏文楼盘还有几天时间,但在售楼处已有50多名潜在客户扎营排队。
“The majority of residential home owners within the region can expect a modest increase, compared to last year’s assessment,” says Deputy Assessor Brian Smith. “Properties in South Delta and parts of Richmond will generally see the highest per cent increase within the region.”
根据素里市政府的最新数据预测,到2046素里的人口将到达80万(几乎是现在的两倍) 以下是2011年加拿大人口调查的数据 – – – 人口数据来源 https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/ – – – – – – 图形数据来源 VancouverSun- – – 素里华人多还是印度人多吗?
此楼盘与即将开通的Evergreen Line以及著名购物中心和自然景点近在咫尺。此外,Evergreen还拥有超过10,000平方英尺的公共空间,以及旺铺和写字楼,这一切使其成为低陆平原区最具价值的社区之一。Evergreen附近便是一条新建的快速公交线,这里将成为人们世世代代的乐居之地,塑造高贵林的未来发展。
If you approach the home buying process intelligently and with confidence, you are much more likely to buy a house you’ll be proud to call home.
BC法拍屋程序(此篇文章原文来自于http://foreclosurehelpbc.com/bc-foreclosure-process)。此文章提供一个简单扼要的法拍屋程序。 在BC省,法拍屋的规章制度是由省高级法院来制定和执行的。这意味着业主房屋的法拍过程中的每一步都必须经过省高级法院批准。这不是由银行来裁决的。这包括何时开始拍卖、如何定价、出售的条款、佣金等等。
谁都不想买到贬值的大麻种植场做新家,霉菌滋生、电线乱搭,大麻屋买下不单维修困难,而且难以升值。那么,买家怎样才能避开这种麻烦事呢? 光看外表,房子可以是完全正常的,不过它可能隐藏著潜在的危险秘密,令有机会成为下任业主的你,对新居的享受大打折扣。
Suppose you bought a house and later discovered, to your dismay, that the stucco exterior concealed a nasty case of dry rot. Or suppose that when you fired up the furnace in the winter, you discovered a cracked heat exchanger leaking gas into your home.
A written proposal is the foundation of a real estate transaction. Oral promises are not legally enforceable when it comes to the sale of real estate.
Once you’ve settled on a couple of preferred neighborhoods for your home search, it’s time to pick out a few homes to view. Having a house features wish list keeps you focused on which features are most important to you.
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.