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Langley 兰里


兰里 高桂林 本拿比 素里 买房

加拿大当地时间7月25日,BC省政府提出新法案,宣布从8月2日起,非加拿大国籍的买家在购买大温地区房产时将多支付房价的15%充作房产交易税(Property Transfer Tax)。

大温房价战延至郊区 Abbotsford都涨疯了



pretty vancouver



farm in langley

The Township of Langley is home to the most expensive properties in the Fraser Valley, according to the latest data from BC Assessment. All but nine of the 100 top valued residential properties in the Fraser Valley are located in the Township. The most expensive property is acreage in the 19600 block of 0 Avenue,…

2016房屋评估 – Fraser Valley (包括素里、兰里等地区)专评


“The majority of residential home owners within the region can expect a modest increase, compared to last year’s assessment,” says Deputy Assessor Brian Smith. “Properties in South Delta and parts of Richmond will generally see the highest per cent increase within the region.”